Pindar Creative shortlisted for Modeshift National Sustainable Travel Award
13 September 2019

Pindar Creative is delighted to have been shortlisted in the Modeshift National Sustainable Travel Awards for 'Best Sustainable Travel Initiative – Business'. Our nominated software solution, OLWIN (Onward Localised Wayside Information Notices), automatically generates destination information required for onward travel and wayfinding posters. OLWIN enables the public transport team at West Yorkshire Combined Authority to effectively manage updates to over 100 'where to board your bus' posters across the region.
The awards are designed to recognise and reward Modeshift members for schemes, projects or other activities that support and encourage sustainable travel, by highlighting best practice, showing innovation and being inspirational.
The nominations were shortlisted by the Modeshift management board; members and partners are now invited to vote for one entry in each category. Voting will close on 30th September and the winners will be announced at the Modeshift Convention Awards Dinner, at Athena Conference Centre, on Thursday 7th November.

Further information on how West Yorkshire Combined Authority is using this innovative software can be found on our website .