Highlights from 2015
Monday, 4 January 2016
We are delighted and privileged to have been successful in winning a wide range of projects this year and these are some of our highlights:City and County of Swansea

Pindar Creative designed and produced brand-new wayfinding mapping for six Permanent all-weather map monoliths set up at six busy locations including Swansea railway station, Wind Street, Picton Arcade, Castle Square and the bus station so no-one arriving in the city centre will struggle to find their way around.
On top of that, pocket-sized versions of the Swansea Map will be available at the Tourist Information Centre near the bus station.
Torbay City Council

A new pictorial style cycle map was produced for the Torbay area highlighting on and off road routes as part of the successful Travel Torbay project. The map and guide is designed to be useful to all types of cyclist, whether experienced or inexperienced. The roads and tracks are colour coded to show what type of route to expect when you cycle around the Bay.
Travel To School Leaflets
A large number of 'Travel To' leaflets have been produced for schools around the Country through the following clients: Centro, Hertfordshire County Council, Kent County Council, Southampton City Council, Torbay Borough Council and Swindon Borough Council.
Each school received a bespoke 'Travel To' leaflet with a map centred on their location showing the 5 minute walk zone, information on Park & Stride Locations, no drop-off areas and much more, see example below:

For Hertfordshire County Council we also created an interactive online website linking to a PDF of each school leaflet.
South Downs National Park Authority
Pindar Creative was delighted to have been awarded the contract to design and produce wayfinding graphics for totems to act as welcoming beacons to the SDNP area.
Pindar Creative designed attractive and clear wayfinding signage to fit in with the existing strong SDNP branding. The signage consists of mapping on one side, including a detailed map of the town and a larger hinterland map, with complementary text and imagery promoting the surrounding area. The other side contains generic text and graphics providing clear information on sustainable visitor opportunities across the SDNP. The first sign has now been erected at Arundel Station.

To compliment the wayfinding totems, we also created a pocket-sized map showing the transport links to the SDNP.

Hertfordshire County Cycle Map
A brand new Recreational Cycling Map was produced for Hertfordshire County Council designed to help cyclists with all abilities get more from recreational cycling. Highlighting Easy, Medium and Challenging cycle routes across the County

Automated Bus Stop Panels
We are delighted to have automated the production of Bus Stop Panels from TransXChange files for both Arriva and Stagecoach. The panels include linear maps and stop specific information. To find out more visit