Movember is coming
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

This November, the team at Pindar Creative are taking part in Movember to help raise funds to fight men's health issues.
As a part of Generation Moustache, we have committed our faces to the cause and will be growing a moustache for the entire month of November to raise funds and awareness for men's health.
We'd like you to support us and our passion with a donation, as we fight the good fight for men's health. Please support us by donating online on out team fund raising page at:
Your donation will support world-class men's health programmes that combat prostate and testicular cancer. These programmes, directed by the Movember Foundation, are focused on awareness and education, living with and beyond cancer, and research to achieve our vision of an everlasting impact on the face of men's health.
These funded programmes are spread across the UK - please visit the Funded Programmes page for all the hairy details: https://UK.MOVEMBER.COM/PROGRAMS
Thanks in advance for supporting our Mo's and helping to change the face of men's health.
United we Mo!
The Pindar Creative Mo Team
The Pindar Creative Movember Team.