ACT Travelwise Scotland & EAUC Travel and Transport TSN
Date: 12 June 2018
Location: University of Dundee
![ACT Travelwise Scotland & EAUC Travel and Transport TSN](art/rm-acttravelwise-logo.gif)
This is a combined meeting with the EAUC (Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges) Travel and Transport Topic Support Network.
Transport plays a crucial role in meeting the current challenges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the UK and sustainable travel initiatives offer an opportunity to make a real contribution by decarbonising transport. Sustainable travel initiatives play a key role in delivering local objectives around health, congestion, air quality, education, economic development and social inclusion.
This TSN meets to share these ideas and offer support to those at all stages of the journey.
Pindar Creative will share how they've helped The University of Dundee and other educational establishments throughout the UK promote safe and healthy journeys to college/university such as cycling, walking and public transport.